How to use AI Classifier?

Step 1: Register an account

Before you start, you should register an account so that you can try our tool for free.

Step 2: Input

In the AI ​​Classifier tool, enter the URL. It can be a webpage, article, document, or file, as long as there is a URL address.

Direct file upload is not supported at present, and related functions are under development…

Step 3: Submit

In the AI ​​Classifier tool, after entering the URL address, you can click the red [Submit] button, and the AI ​​Classifier tool will work specifically for you.

Step 4: Get results

After you complete the submission action, the AI ​​tool will promptly feedback the progress of the work to you.

Usually within 1 minutes, you will see the content summary of the webpage, article, document, and file, as well as the corresponding tags.

In addition, you can also go to the [My-Knowledge-Database] page to view the content summary and tags of all your webpages, articles, documents, and files.

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