Why use AI Classifier?

1) Note summary and classification

After working and studying for many years, I have sorted out a lot of notes and recorded a lot of content, but I don’t have enough time to look through the notes, let alone classify the notes. You can use AI Classifier, which will automatically summarize and classify the logs and build a knowledge graph

2) Diary summary and classification

After many years, I have written a lot of diaries and recorded a lot of content, but I don’t have enough time to look through the diaries, let alone classify the diaries. You can use AI Classifier, which will automatically summarize and classify the logs and build a knowledge graph

3) Web page summary and classification

In daily work and life, we browse various web pages through the browser, and usually forget the content of the web page quickly. We don’t have time to re-read the web page. We can use AI Classifier, which will automatically summarize and classify the web browsing records and build a knowledge graph

4) Document summary and classification

During work and study, we have output countless documents, including PDF, docx, pptx, and exlsx documents. We usually forget the content of the document quickly. If we look at the document again, it will take a lot of time, especially for docx documents. We can use AI Classifier, which will automatically summarize and classify the document content and build a knowledge graph.

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file summarization and classification
file summarization and classification